Professional Grade

Professional Grade Pressure Washer In Monroe Township NJ

Every professional business requires industrial tools to help keep it in tip-top shape. When it comes to cleaning off the pavement, bricks, and other surfaces where tough stains like to settle, nothing blasts them into Timbuktu like a commercial-grade pressure washer.

Whether you provide cleaning and maintenance services for companies or are just looking into the possibility of owning one at your place of business, choosing the right model is essential. How do you know which one is right for you, though?

When In Doubt, Ask A Pro

With over 90 years in the electrical industry and a specialization in pressure washers, Danley Electric Contracting highly recommends models that feature a gas-powered motor. Why? You have your choice between cold water, hot water, and belt-driven units for versatility. In terms of power, the only step up from here is a vehicle or trailer-mounted model, which proves to be impractical for a wide variety of businesses.

There’s no cord to hold you down with a gas-powered motor, allowing you to move about the property freely and hit those tough-to-reach areas. Plus, these machines are built tough. They can handle heavy use without frying the pump or engine. which can be an issue in other style motors.

Why Take Our Word for It?

Danley Electrical Contracting has been serving the New Jersey Area since 1921. During that time, we’ve passed down our expert knowledge from generation to generation while always remembering to impart the most crucial piece of information; the satisfaction of the customers comes first.

All of our products are proven to high-quality standards in the industry, and our skilled technicians will always point you in the right direction to find the perfect piece of equipment for your needs. If you’re in the market for a new pressure washer, give us a call at (724) 231-2780

3100PSI 2.8GPM

3100PSI 2.8GPM

3000PSI 3.0GPM

3000PSI 3.0GPM

3800PSI 3.6GPM

3800PSI 3.6GPM

3500PSI 3.7GPM

3500PSI 3.7GPM

4200PSI 4.0GPM

4200PSI 4.0GPM

4000PSI 3.4GPM

4000PSI 3.4GPM