Commercial Generac Generators

Commercial Generac Generators

Commercial Generac Generators: Reliable & Robust During Outages

Power outages can be a real pain, especially for business owners who have never invested in commercial Generac generators. While they can disrupt your operations, that’s where backup generators come into play.

When it comes to commercial buildings, there are three types of standby generators to consider. Each has its own purpose.

Emergency generators are all about saving lives. They provide backup power during sudden electricity outages or emergencies. Emergency generators are typically used in buildings where loss of power can result in significant safety hazards. Such hazards include disruptions to business or workers, or a loss of critical services. Emergency generators are typically smaller than other commercial generators and focus on powering only essential systems and needs.

Required standby generators are your workhorses, sometimes mandated by the National Fire Protection Association. They provide backup power for critical building functions beyond safety purposes. This could be lighting, security systems, and even some equipment depending on the business. Standby generators are operational within 60 seconds of an outage, as they are sized to handle the specific load required. Think of them as taking over for the utility company when the lights go out.

Lastly, additional standby generators can be activated manually to support non-critical loads like office equipment, non-essential lighting, and auxiliary systems. They can also serve as backups for primary generators in case of maintenance or failure. They provide extra capacity to ensure all your crucial operations can continue uninterrupted.

Understanding the differences between these three types of commercial standby generators and their respective roles is important. Additionally, understanding your commercial building’s backup power strategy is essential for ensuring resilience and continuity of operations.


Commercial Generac Generators are Built to Last

Commercial Generac generators, when properly chosen and maintained, are very sturdy and reliable. However, no machine is perfect, and even the sturdiest commercial generator requires proper maintenance.

With the right selection, installation, and maintenance plan, a commercial standby generator can be your business’s dependable ally. It is geared to keep your business operational during any power outage, minimizing disruptions.

These generators are built with industrial-grade components that can withstand extended use and harsh conditions. They are made with thicker steel frames, robust engines, and heavy-duty alternators compared to their smaller residential counterparts. They’re also designed to run for extended periods, ensuring your business has power during very lengthy outages. They automatically kick in when the power goes out, eliminating the need for manual intervention.

When it comes to engines, commercial generators are equipped with high-performance parts designed for reliability and longevity. These engines are usually manufactured by reputable brands known for their expertise in power generation. They ensure consistent performance, even under heavy loads and extended use. From alternators or fuel systems to control panels, commercial generators are equipped with high-quality components sourced from trusted suppliers.

Modern commercial generators also feature advanced technologies such as electronic controls, automatic voltage regulation, and self-diagnostic systems. These features enhance reliability by optimizing performance, monitoring key parameters, and detecting potential issues before they escalate into problems. They undergo extensive testing during the manufacturing process to validate their performance.

With today’s electricity failures, business owners are concerned about the ruggedness and dependability of commercial generators. These solid units are crucial investments for ensuring uninterrupted operations.


Today’s Grid Pressure on Businesses and Buildings

Manufacturers of commercial Generac generators know that heat waves, wildfires, and hurricanes are becoming more frequent and intense. Events can damage power infrastructure and lead to widespread outages.

What’s more is, the increasing reliance on technology makes businesses more vulnerable to cyberattacks that could target the power grid. A successful attack could cause widespread blackouts with significant economic consequences.

The rise of renewable energy and so-called distributed generation has placed the traditional grid under increasing pressure. “It’s losing customers at the same time its aging infrastructure requires a major overhaul,” states the Council on Foreign Relations. “A sweeping infrastructure law passed in late 2021 provides about $65 billion for grid improvements.”

Even more interesting: The United States’ outdated and fragmented power grid is increasingly threatened. “A large swath of the U.S. power grid is decades old,” states a news report Axios. “The grid wasn’t designed with today’s extreme weather events in mind.” Therefore, experts say all aspects of the grid should be either replaced, upgraded, or altered.

All this is manifesting as vast swaths of the United States are at risk of running short on power. This comes as electricity-hungry data centers and clean-technology factories proliferate around the country. It’s leaving utilities and regulators grasping for credible plans to expand the nation’s creaking power grid.

“Soaring demand is touching off a scramble to squeeze more juice out of an aging grid,” states the Washington Post. This pushes commercial customers to go to extraordinary lengths to lock down energy sources, even building their own power plants.

“Much of the U.S. power grid infrastructure is aging and in need of upgrades,” it adds. “Power outages can be incredibly disruptive and expensive for businesses. Lost productivity, data corruption, and damage to sensitive equipment can all lead to significant financial losses.”


Impact on Society Without Commercial Generac Generators

Hospitals, data centers, and other critical facilities rely heavily on constant power supply, including electricity from commercial Generac generators. Outages can have life-threatening consequences and cause major data losses.

Manufacturing production lines also rely on uninterrupted power. Outages can halt production, leading to lost revenue and delays in fulfilling orders.

In general, power outages disrupt sales and lead to spoilage of perishable inventory for retail businesses and restaurants. Even a short outage can disrupt workflow and employee productivity. Surprise electrical failures can lead to financial losses, decreased productivity, and potential reputation damage.

Most commercial building owners understand the importance of maintaining continuous power supply these days. It’s needed to ensure uninterrupted service to customers and clients. Businesses rely heavily on technology in communication, data management, inventory control, and customer transactions. Power outages can disrupt access to essential technology infrastructure, causing service interruptions, data loss, and operational hurdles.

The rise of remote work and digital connectivity has also heightened the importance of a reliable power supply. This isn’t just in commercial buildings, but also in remote or off-grid locations where businesses and site locations may operate. Ensuring uninterrupted power supply is essential for supporting remote work arrangements, virtual meetings, and digital collaboration platforms.

Today’s concerns regarding power electrical grid failures are real. Commercial building owners and business owners recognize the critical role of reliable power supplies. More than ever, it’s needed for maintaining continuity, safeguarding assets, and ensuring the safety and security of occupants and stakeholders.


How Generators are Designed for Commercial Buildings

Commercial Generac generators are developed, tested, and designed to be powerful and robust machines for any electrical situation. They’re known to stand tall in the face of electrical grid failures and other emergencies.

However, their hearty stature can vary depending on several factors, including:

  • The quality of the generator. High-quality generators from reputable manufacturers are generally more reliable and durable. Investing in a well-built generator can significantly reduce the chances of malfunctions.
  • The maintenance schedule. Regular maintenance is important in supporting a backup generator’s operational reliability. This includes tasks such as oil and filter changes, testing, inspections, and keeping the generator clean and free from debris. Neglecting maintenance can lead to performance issues and even failure.
  • The fuel supply. Backup generators run on diesel, natural gas, or propane. Ensuring a steady and reliable fuel supply is essential for continuous operation during outages.
  • The load capacity. It’s important to properly size the generator to meet specific power requirements of the commercial building. An undersized generator may struggle handling the load. This can lead to performance issues or failure, while an oversized generator may be costly to run.
  • The environmental conditions. Generators are often installed outdoors and exposed to various weather conditions. Ensuring proper protection from rain, snow, and extreme temperatures helps maintain their reliability.

Commercial standby generators are completely optional, but they can be a lifesaver for your business.


W. Danley Electrical

At W. Danley Electrical, we stand out in the world of commercial Generac generators. We assist you throughout the entire process. We help prepare you for your installation, as well as obtaining permits, inspections, and assisting with repair and maintenance. At W. Danley Electrical, we also help you optimize and fine-tune your situation to determine the correct generator size. Get the most out of your investment.

Contact us today.